Happy new year 2020 Rishikesh 24

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020 Rishikesh 24

Happy New Year

Happy New Year 2020 greetings!

Happy New year 2020 Greetings to the lovely souls out there!

Here is a new year message for you

In just a short while we will all wish each other a “Happy New Year”. New Year’s Eve is celebrated all over the world, good food, for some cultures there is a lot of alcohol involved and most places there are fireworks. We celebrate the cut between one round of seasons to the next round of seasons.

Worldwide there are many places with traditions for scaring away the bad energies with a lot of noises as to make room for the good energies. Fireworks work very well in that regard and it looks pretty.

As I have grown older I had to realize that change often has to take some time. Sometimes it is like waking up one day and realizing a change has taken place. New Year’s Eve is in many respects just a change of a number, the real change can happen any time, any place. Sometimes there is a specific time and place, like birth and death, exams or the first meeting with your loved one. There are events where we all know where we were at that specific time. The Before and The After can be for one person, a family or the whole country.

The change from the year 2019 to 2020 will be looked upon from many numerologists as significant.

That is OK with me, an event that is signifying change should be celebrated. So let’s celebrate.

So in the next short while, we all wish each other “Happy New Year”. It is a perfectly good wish, right? We all want to be happy. Over the last few years, I have come to realize that there is more to this. There are some stages in the understanding of being Happy and Happiness.

Happiness version 0.0 is the life where you are occupied with working, getting food on the table for the family, clothes on for the whole family, a house or a roof to cover for the rain. Being happy is for some short moments.

Being Happy version 1.0 is about discovering that you WANT to be and CAN happy, there is an inner yearning for being happy. Versions 2.0 is the experience of being Happy. It is nice, really nice, it comes and goes. You can make efforts to be happy, but you will not be happy all the time.

Then the big realization comes: there is more than being happy. It is Happiness, version 3.0, where you are happy, body, soul, and mind are happy, it is an experience, not a feeling. Mental constructs like positive thinking or positive psychology do not apply. The experience is beyond the mental understanding, beyond the conventional perception based on our senses.

And someday you realize there is a state of being Conscious, experiencing the full range of consciousness: Good and Bad, Right and Wrong, Legal and Illegal, etc. It is an understanding at the deepest level, coming from inside our soul, that we live in duality, and that there will be duality until the day even the subtlest level of existence is transcended.

Where are you on the happiness scale?

The best wishes for the New Year, may you prosper, may your Happiness evolve and bring you to the next stage of Happiness:

Rishikesh 24 wishes you a happy brand new year 2020, this year revive yourself with the holistic Healing Retreats 2020 in Rishikesh, India with Rishikesh 24. Get your life events predicted with our experienced numerologists online. Make your life more meaningful by planning your new year in a brand new way.

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